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Configures the http response returned by fetchHandler. Unless otherwise stated, all responses have a 200 status



A Response instance to return unaltered.

Status code


Returns a Response with the given status code, e.g. 200. The response's statusText will also be set to the default value corresponding to the status.



Returns a 200 Response with the string as the response body e.g. "<html><head>..."

Response config


If the object only contains properties from among those listed below it is used to configure a Response to return.



Set the Response body. This could be

  • a string e.g. "Server responded ok", { token: 'abcdef' }.
  • an object literal (see the Object section of the docs below).
  • Anything else that satisfies the specification for the body parameter of new Response(). This currently allows instances of Blob, ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView, FormData, ReadableStream, URLSearchParams, and String.



Sets the Response status e.g. 200



Sets the Response headers, e.g {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}



Sets the url from which the Response should claim to originate (to imitate followed directs). Will also set redirected: true on the response



Forces fetch to return a Promise rejected with the value of throws e.g. new TypeError('Failed to fetch')



Any object literal that does not match the schema for a response config will be converted to a JSON string and set as the response body.

The Content-Type: application/json header will also be set on each response. To send JSON responses that do not set this header (e.g. to mock a poorly configured server) manually convert the object to a string first e.g.

fetchMock.route('', JSON.stringify({ prop: 'value' }));



A Promise that resolves to any of the options documented above e.g. new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res(200), 50))



A function that is passed a CallLog and returns any of the options documented above (including Promise).


  • ({url, options}) => options.headers.Authorization ? 200 : 403
  • ({request}) => request.headers.get('Authorization') ? 200 : 403