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Publishing packages as ESM and commonjs

ยท 2 min read
fetch-mock maintainer

Publishing a package that is compatible with all the following is not straightforward

  1. A commonjs javascript project
  2. A ESM javascript project
  3. A commonjs typescript project
  4. A ESM typescript project

I previously thought I'd cracked it by adding "type": "module" to the package.json but including a {"type": "commonjs"} package.json to the subdirectory that contained my commonjs built files.

However this issue indicated that use case 3 was not supported. This article suggested that the best solution was to build a .mjs file for ESM, a .cjs file for CJS, and leave the top level package.json without a "type": "module" declaration.

I'm not a big fan of this as it makes it harder to fork the library or test a branch because every way of requiring it entails a build step, which is typically not carried out when requireing directly from a branch.

So after mulling things over I came up with a simple solution: remove the "type": "module" declaration from the top level package.json and instead create a {"type": "module"} package.json in my srcdirectory.

I thought I'd share as it's not obvious this would work - I did a fair bit of manual testing to prove it - but it's an elegant and low-build approach I've not seen publicised elsewhere.